Thursday, January 25, 2007

Edgie Bed-head

What else is there to say...I love it!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll try to sneak in a pic of Mom's bed head sometime....don't tell...

Anonymous said...

I guess Dad really does once and for all want to get rid of his fuzzy head since if he sent you a mom bed head he would certainly wake up and see his corps on the bed.

Nedge said...

Ha ha haha ha ha ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

wear iz thet spel=chezk wen u knead it?

Anonymous said...

well, mr perfect ow let see you get out of your nice warm beddy bye at 2:57 in the morning and start blogging without any mistakes!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like long and ratty soft like cornsilk binking. Its for the highly refined binkiers.