Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Family Photo Success!!!

Recipe for a successful family Photo: 1. Forewarn husband and children of their desired cooperation in said activity(two weeks notice). 2. Take picture before church (instead of after), and following Poppy's nap. 3. Get a third party to take picture (rather than setting the self-timer like we normally do.) 4. Demand conformity and withhold Easter baskets to attain desired cooperation!
Now I'm happy to report that we took two good pictures (out of 10). Here are the two I liked best.
Not to worry however, I wasn't too hard on them. I even let them play in their Sunday clothes following photo shoot. Daddy was pleased to have the pictures over with.
Best part of it all is that we now have a family photo, with me included, that doesn't have me wearing Lycra! Woo Hoooo! We have now saved the eyes of our posterity. Not to mention captured my cute family in their Sunday best. :0)


Anonymous said...

All I can say, after reading your Blog site, you ought to be an author! I love reading your musings and seeing the pictures. You really are great at expressing yourself! I enjoyed the comments about the exercise/children debate and didn't think it was particularly negative at all!

Thanks for being such a great gal! Love ya, Linda Z.

Tanner's Tales said...

I don't know...I think I like the Christmas family photos better...

Nedge said...

I liked the Christmas music better...
These pictures are fantastic!
Who ever knew that Jamison could pull a decent face? :)

Betina said...

THose pictures are so cute!