So, where exactly does a parent keep such a large project-in-the-making, where the kids WON'T find it???
Yup, you guessed it...the Laundry room!
They (meaning Oscar, soon to be Poppy) already found the surprise in the shed out we decided one of the last places our kids like to play is the Downstairs, dungeon, laundry room.
Here is the make-shift work shop!
(hummm... does this mean I don't have to do laundry until it is finished???)
Looking at this photo, given the colors of green and blue with various other color accented designs...what would you do????
Pre-stain went on tonight...staining begins tomorrow...Viewer with the best ideas, wins the joy of knowing that their idea will reside in our playroom for some time to come!!! And if it is really good, then maybe I'll send you some chocolate!
Great pic of Popster. I didn't know it would be such a giant job to finish the sink. Hope it all goes well and however it turns out will be coooool. (As Oscar would say) I'm thinking green like the counter.
Thanks for the project mummy...It's not really work...the work is in deciding what to do! The other stuff is just fun!
p.s. sorry for glueing the tap on. i didn't think you would really have to paint it or anything. then i noticed that every time you would touch the darn thing it would leave a permanent smudge
also if you want to repaint the knobs or hot plates it surely wouldn;t hurt my feelings. I picked all our grapes yesterday. It filled a homedepot bucket and a half. They remind me of Betina's little boy, he loved them so much. He always wanted to go out and pick yours and he would eat them right up, wish I could send him some.
I like your color choices too. I think I may be leaning towards the bugs for some reason. I do adore polk-a-dots though, but I think BUGS!!!
This is actually Traci.
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