Monday, January 26, 2009

Dancing Queen

(Exercise class at the church, Notice the pretty tap shoes...)

(Melt downs often follow the prior dancing exertion)

First Position

(No I did not choose for her to wear that hat...nor did I pick it out from the Goodwill, this my friends is all of her own choosing. Though I'm sure you are not surprised!)
(The Giraffe Move)
Need I say more? I think she is enjoying the "dance" class even though we only go 3 times a month. She certainly doesn't need a dance class to strut her stuff.
On Wednesday's I teach a exercise class at the church. This is the perfect floor for stomping around in her tap shoes.
She did hit a little bit of meltdown at our last class. She was pretty tired and she didn't want to be doing "tap". She missed singing "lollipop" with her tap shoes (they tap it out with their feet) and was devastated that she had taken hers off and that they had moved on to a new thing.
Maybe next time she will be a little bit more patient. But I doubt it.

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Allison said...

Should I be embarrassed to admit I like the hat?

I think it's cute!

Suzie-Q said...

What a cute little girl you have. Even if she has the occasional melt down, are you prepareing yourself for what the futere will bring?
Girls, you gotta love them.

Maren and Blake said...

She is the reason I want a little girl. You are such a great mom.

Lisa B. said...

oh my gosh CUTE!